Thursday, 30 April 2015

Why Avengers: Age of Ultron resolve numerous timeline issues

As a movie junkie, this movie had everything. Action, romance, and the humour is classic Stan Lee. Always something fresh, this movie has so much inspiration from both the Original Marvel and Disney.

As a comic book geek, this movie is the answer to the next phase of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Based on the timeline presented in the recent keynote: The movie is the "bifrost" to the rest of the upcoming MCU movies. If you didn't understood that reference, do yourself a favour and watch Thor again.
6/9 movies have had their link established in Age of Ultron.
I'll explain how Age of Ultron has resolved how the MCU will be building up to the next few movies. Now take note this is a fan theory, it may not be 100 percent accurate, but its fun to do and this is what its really all about, for he passion and the fun of the stories. I'm not in control of the stories and I'm happy to be the receiver of them and not the dictator.

Most of the conclusions I drew here is based on the story arcs that exists in the comic book that usually share similar names like Age of Ultron and Infinity war. How much of it they do follow has always varied.

1. Civil War.

Winter is also coming for this Stark and his dear friend Rogers

Read this previous post I had on Civil War.

In the movie, Ironman and Captain America is seen disagreeing after he created Ultron. Ultron was Tony's dream of protecting the world from superhuman and alien threats, and that failed pretty badly.

In the comics: In Civil War the same thing happens, Tony tries to police the world and funds various superhero and fails. This causes a great divide in the superhero community. Central to this story is Spiderman's struggle. Now that it's official that Spiderman has joined the MCU, this story arc is going to happen in the movies. Tony is probably going to find a new avenue that he can control the world in a more legitimate way and that will be the conflict of the kind that is worthy of a Civil War plot.

2. Doctor Strange
Do you think Cumberbatch can play Strange?

Now that Scarlett Witch is in the picture, it is very easy to put Doctor Strange into the MCU. They can simply bridge the stories by getting Wanda's chaos magic to find a link with Strange, and POOF, another instant Avenger to the roster.

Just look at how many of the main Avengers they have established in this movie.

3. Black Panther

Monarch by profession, Superhero by all the other times he can manage.

In the movie: This was a tricky one, the terrorist with the branding from Wakanda was part of Ultron's trap in luring out the Avengers to execute his plan of crippling the team.

You see in the movie that Hulk and Stark battles in the street of Wakanda destroying every single thing in their way.

In the comics: Wakanda is the fictitious country where Black Panther is the monarch. The possible tie-in in the MCU is Panther going to New York and getting the Avengers to answer for the damages they've wrecked in Wakanda.

4. The Infinity War

In the movie: Now that four of the stones have been found, and at the end credits Thanos has made the declaration of his pursuit (He said: I guess I have to do it myself, as he reached for the Infinity gauntlet) of the Infinity gems. This is no surprise since Thanos has already been featured in other end  credits and in Guardians of the Galaxy as well.

The break down of the 2 parts of the infinity war is probably because there are too many critical points in the story that cannot be depicted in 2 hours. Also, given that even Age of Ultron merely scraped the surface of the original comic book story, Infinity war might probably see a merger of a few storylines, just like in Age of Ultron.

In the comic: There is a lot of background story in this story arc. Key individuals needed are Captain Universe and the Ex Nihilis, Captain Marvel, the Attlian royal family (also known as the leaders of the Inhumans) and Thanos.

Given that Ultron is a Banner/Stark creation and not Hank Pym (Antman in the comics), there is no telling what is Infinity War's back story now. The only guarantee of continuity that it is the next Avengers movie. I've hit a roadblock on this one.

5. Inhumans

In the movie: Ultron uses vibranium and his technology to launch a city in the air  to make it act as a meteor to destroy the Earth.

In the comic: the inhuman race, also know as the Attilans. This superhuman race, lives on a floating city. Take a look for yourself.

Image result for attilan city marvel
See the resemblance?

Ultron just enabled the Attilan race to find its home in the MCU. This plotline will most likely develop more in Marvel's TV series Agents of SHIELD.

There you have it. I hope you've enjoyed dwelving into more comic knowledge that gives you more appreciation on the Marvel movies and the considerations made in crafting their stories.

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